Operation 'Cast Lead'

The Israelis sent out a 'Holiday Greeting' to the Palestinians, and to Western Civilization with their brutal January attack against a blockaded and defenseless Gaza by raining white phosphorous, rockets & bombs and 'experimental weapons on the defenseless Palestinians there. 1500 Palestinians were killed, some 5000 wounded and mutilated, including many women and children, almost 6000 homes completely destroyed, some 45000 severely damaged, and 100000 Palestinians left homeless. The cowardly Israelis also destroyed or severely close to 1000 hospitals, police stations, schools, mosques and other public building, almost completely destroying Gaza's infrastructure. Below you can read the Goldstone report, the UN inquiry into 'Cast Lead'. Israelis suffered minimal casualties from a few Hamas rockets that struck settlements and strip malls.

Goldstone Report

Advance Edited Version

Obama Takes Office
The 'Hope for Change' inauguration cost approximately $170 million, financed by Obama supporters, including banks & financial interests already bailed out in the fall of 2008 by former traitor-in-chief George Bush (with Obama's approval). Ultimatley this means the US taxpayer paid for it.
Obama was put in by international global/financial interests to be the 'good cop' to Bush's 'bad cop'. These same global mafiosi realized that America was, to a degree, getting wise to the scams that had been run on the American people during the preceding 8 years, and realized that a 'gentler and more charismatic' front man was needed to continue there ongoing looting of AmeriKa.  Barack was their man. Many liberals fell for the new scam, witness the participation of a variety of 'alternative' musicians and artists in the Inaugural festivities. Obama is no deep thinker, but simply a hired hand who can read well from a tele-prompter.

Good Cop, Bad Cop


Numerous  banks, along with Chrysler and General Motors Corporation received Federal (Taxpayer) 'bailout' money, sometimes referred to as 'TARP'. All the banks involved were partners to various 'ponzi' and counterfeit schemes involving fake financial 'instruments' including derivatives, and 'collateralized debt obligations' along with partnerships in the various 'hedge funds'. Major Illuminati banks such as JPMorgan/Chase, BOA, Wells Fargo were in on the play, along with 'securities traders' such as Golman Sachs. The transfer of these monies, and their eventual dispursement, not to mention repayment was a shadowy process, probably only known to the FED, or the US Treasury, now an instrument of the FED. Various scandals ensued, probably the one receiving the most publicity was related to AIG, noted CIA/Zionist global money laundry. Most of the complaints from taxpayers related to 'bonuses' received by various executives and operatives of these firms, not to who actually owned/controlled these entities. The names Rothschild or Rockefeller never came up in the ensuing controversy.

Who Received the Money?
Financial Bailout: Who Received What - The Home Front (usnews.com)
G20 Summit in London

The various mouthpieces for the international banking cartel in London in April, 2009. Gordon Brown, Frau Merkel, Lula De Silva, everybody. This was also Barack Obama's official 'coming out party' on the global stage. Nothing much was accomplished, some big numbers were thrown around, and some ranting and hand wringing took place. A 'new financial order' was, of course, discussed, along with global and regional currencies. President Obama and wife Michele got to meet the Queen (Elizabeth). Michele Obama gave her an iPod. The names Rothschild or Rockefeller were never mentioned, publicly at least.

Read my earlier essay on G20: Illuminati Theatre:
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki

Iraq 2009

The situation in Iraq was somewhat stabilized in 2009. After almost 6 years of US attacks, occupation and destruction of Iraqi culture and infrastructure, the attention of US corporate police mercenaries shifted toward Afghanistan. Iraqi PM al-Maliki seems to have stabilized the internal situation in the mode of a Hosni Mubarak, allowing US troops to retreat to their enclaves. Still, some 100000 remain, protecting the interests of the Zionists and 'multi-national' cartels. Still, it is clear that US military presence in substantial force will remain for the indefinite future. In late 2009, both Exxon and BP/Royal Dutch Shell were awarded oil 'concessions/contracts'. the names Rothschild or Rockefeller were never mentioned.

The devastating Iraqi occupation served no obvious US interest, and bled the US treasury to the max. Various contractors certainly profited, and the true cost of the war, and where the money went to EXACTLY, will probably never be know. The war made global enemies for America,and destroyed any remaining moral credibility we still had. The Israelis were certainly happy, as this American occupation help increase their covert influence to the Euphrates river, and provided a smoke screen for their 'final solution' for the Palestinians.

Proposed 'Trans-Afghan' pipeline

Afghanistan 2009

'Hope for Change' President Obama indeed lived up to his campaign theme fron 2008: 'Hope for Change, because you ain't getting it with me!'.

Obama committed another 60000 US troops to the Afghan theatre of war late in the year.

Now why, or in what conceivable form could America, as a nation, have any interest in an ancient tribal land, half way across the globe such as Afghanistan?
A number of reasons: 1) The building and control of an oil/gas pipeline through Kandahar province that would be owned by the Rothschild and their partners (including some US investors). This particular pipeline deal was on the table before the '911 event', but apparently the rather stubborn Afghan tribesmen (Taliban) were not co-operative enough. So, we send in troops to occupy (supposedly 'searching for Osama Ben Laden'), create havoc, and clear the way for safe construction of this foreign owned pipeline. A Mr. Hamid Karzai, former multi-national oil executive, is made President of the tribal kingdom. An Israeli, Yosei Maiman, head of Israel's 'Merhav Group' is made the watchman for these interests in Turkmenistan and Central Asia. Obama then makes Richard Holbrooke, ultra-Zionist and Rothschild inlaw, the 'main man' on Afghan policy. 2) Opium Production: Opium farming and the resultant heroin production is an extremely lucrative & global cash business. The CIA, Mossad, and many intelligence services and mafia cartels love this cash flow, as it allows them non-traceable monies for 'projects'. The Taliban had greatly reduced opium production. This was unacceptable, as an Australian, European and Asian market awaited new product. 3) Destabilization of Pakistan/Encirclement of Iran:
With Iraq under control, only Iran need fall to make Zionist/US control of the Middle East complete. Nuetralization of Pakistan extends this projection of power into South Asia, and benefits India, where the Rothschilds and other globalists have partnerships with the mega wealthy Mital family and other upper caste Hindus. India also serves as a compliant source for cheap labor.

From Jerry Mazza, with links to Chris Bollyn and many others:
Ramping up Afghanistan War to Control Caspian Oil and Gas ...
Health Care Reform

Unfortunately this is another money making sham being foisted on the US taxpayer. In a nutshell, the essence of any 'health care reform' will be to consolidate control of the 'medical-industrial' complex, and to concentrate the payments AmeriKans make into a small number of insurance conglomerates. Currently, I believe that approximately 35% of the cost of almost all medical procedures goes to 'paper pushers' that 'administrate' the Health Care industry. This will not change under any proposal, only the 'payees' may change a bit. Any bill regarding 'health care reform' should be understandable and readable, meaning 100 pages or less. Do you see any Congress-people making this point? No, because there must be as much obfuscation as possible to confuse the public, and insulate the profiteers.

Probably the most notable example of 'terrorism' in the Us in 2009 was the shooting spree that left dead about 14 US military personel on the Ft. Hood base in Texas. The perpetrator was reportedly a Palestinian
American and officer,
Major Nidal Hassan. Hassan is conveniently a Muslim. He is also a psychiatrist who has been serving with the military.

This case was spun almost immediately by the Pentagon. There were reports of more shooters being involved, reports of a second shooter being whisked away by special agents. We will never find out the whole truth on this one. Now Major Hassan is being tied to some alleged '911 Terrorists'.  Strangely enough, there are reports that this military mental health specialist attended seminars at Los Alamos, NM with General Jay Hood, who was commander of Guantanamo Bay's 'Camp X-Ray'. A strange 'synchronicity', perhaps?

General Jay Hood

Another 'terror attack' was ostensibly attempted during December, by one Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian whose father is a big arms dealer connected with the Nigerian government, in an entity called DICON. Supposedly dad worked very closely with the Israelis, as they are quite powerful in Nigeria, through security services, and the arms trade. The young Nigerian supposedly tried to hide explosive material in his underware while taking the flight from the Netherlands to Detroit. Interestingly enough, an Israeli firm called ICTS apparently is contracted from security at the Dutch airport involved. Readers may remember that various Israeli security 'contractors' ran security at all airports involved with the 911 'event'.

Nigerian Terrorist & Background:
Could Terror War be a Response by GOP and Israel Against Threats ...
Iran 2009

No yearly review would be complete without mention of the ongoing 'Iran crisis'.

President Ahmadinejad was elected by a sizable majority of Iranians this past year, but it seems the election provided a golden opportunity by 'certain interests' to attempt to cause chaos in Iran, with the hoped for likelihood a 'Color Revolution', like in the Ukraine or Georgia. We also became familiar with something called 'Twitter' an online mixed media chat room, supposedly used by 'Iranians' to communicate with each other as they protested the election results. There were riots, and police action, and innocent people killed. Who stirred all this up is very much open to question.

Meanwhile, warmongers in Wahington and Tel Aviv still haven't given up hopes for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Iran is in complete compliance with IAEA inspectors and regulations. Israel refuses to sign this international treaty, yet not a peep is heard. Why is this?

In my view, Iran is already encircled, and certain European banking interests and 'powers that be' would prefer to seize control of Iranian resources through more 'gentle' means. But you never know.

Twitter and the Iranian elections and 'chaos':
Twitter spearheads Iranian elections coverage in U.S
Economy 2009

The US eKonomy is in the tank, because we don't make things the world wants anymore. We are now a complete 'service eKonomy'. What kind of service and to whom is the question. Certainly our military serves as a police force for 'multi-nationals'. 'Security service' jobs (prison workers, etc.) are a growth industry, as are jobs in the medical-industrial complex. But credit is tight, and monopoly capitalism is firmly in the driver's seat. Even our 'entertainment industry' is hurting because of the garbage that Hollywood produces, and changing means of 'buying and selling' as far as recorded music.

It's bad, and I don't see improvement in the next year.


I'm sure I haven't covered it all, but i do my best. I don't get paid for this, I do it out of love. I have been struggling to keep a roof over my head, so I have been quite busy just hustling lately. But I try to give a part of the big picture. Happy New Year to all!
6/27/2012 05:57:34 pm

How nice this article is and how easy it is to understand your points on this topic.


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