The first part of this series primarily featured electric guitarists who
 pioneered in the jazz & rock genres. The exception was Django
 Reinhardt, the French 'Gypsy Jazz' guitarist who took up the electric instrument late in his career and was able to translate his unique style from the acoustic instrument. Part 2 will feature a bit more of the great acoustic innovators..........................................Frank Dialogue

Davey Graham, British pioneer of the acoustic guitar...Incredible technique, playing bass lines, chords & melody simultaneously...Influenced such greats as Bert Jansch, John Renbourne & Jimmy Page...Wrote the classic 'Anji'...Best album 'The Guitar Player'...Mixed folk, jazz, raga & blues.

Carlos Santana, probably my personal favorite for drawing the emotional 'cry' out of the electric guitar...Still going strong, incredible player...Best album: 'Moonflower' from the late 70s featuring both Carlos & his band at an all time peak...Best recorded version of the beautiful 'Europa' & climaxes with the ultimate in Latin fusion/rock, the incredible 'Savor/Touissant L'Overture'.

The amazing Brazilian guitarist, Bola Sete ('Seven Ball'), real name Djalma de Andrade...Played nylon string exclusively, and was a master of samba, bosa nova, blues & jazz....Great album: 'Live at the Monterey Jazz Festival'...Super rythmic.

Jimmy Page, 'session man' on many early UK rock tracks, Yardbird, pioneer of tape delay, the 'e-bow' and other effects, excellent acoustic & 12-string player, used many alternative tunings & founder and producer of Led Zepplin...Sometimes maligned, but his guitar playing was ground breaking in many ways.

John Abercrombie, one of the most interesting & intelligent of late century jazz players...First noted for his beautiful track 'Timeless' in collaboration with Jan Hammer & Jack DeJohnette...Best album, the brilliant 'Gateway 2' w/ DeJohnette & Dave Holland no longer available...For new listeners, there is an excellent anthology on ECM Records...Also a wonderful acoustic player, especially in collaboration w/ Ralph Towner.

Ralph Towner, acoustic guitarist, nylon & steel string...Founder of the group Oregon, and a pioneer in modern 'chamber jazz'...Especially notable for his use of extended and open harmonies in his playing & composition.

 Top to bottom : 'Fiddler on the Roof': Jeffrey Lurie, Eagles Owner; Joe Banner, Eagles Bean Counter/Rasputin; Andy Reid, Eagles Coach; Michael Vick holding puppy.

The Philadelphia Eagles shocked the sports world this week by signing convicted felon Michale Vick, former quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons. Vick spent 18 months in Leavenworth fed prison for running dog fighting rings, and engaging in 'illegal' gambling activities. Some of Vick's boys down in Virginia also slaughtered some of the fighting pups when they outlived their usefulness. The Amerikan nation cried in outrage. The Amerikan nation that has accepted the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans with nary a whimper.

This week, my hometown Philadelphia Eagles signed Vick to a one year contract, worth $1.5 million, with an option year that could pay $5 million. Fans were shocked, because the Philadelphia Eagles are a team that puts on a facade of only wanting 'character' players. Yet here they sign a convicted felon, a 'dog murderer' and 'public enemy #1'. Many fans were expectedly outraged.

In reality, the Eagles 'ownership team' of Jeffrey Lurie and Joe Banner, two bullshit artists as shifty as they come, made a brilliant move. I will explain, then I will talk a bit about Vick and dog fighting in general.

In recent months, the Philadelphia Eagles have been forced off of the 'media' front page in the city by our World Champion Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies have become 'numero uno' in the city. Philadelphia fans embraced the Phils because of their exciting play, blue collar work ethic, the down home character of Phils manager Charlie Manuel, and a number of brilliant baseball moves by new GM Rueben Amara Jr. Philadelphia fans have never liked or trusted Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie, or his chief henchman Joe Banner because of their stingy and lying ways, their perceived mistreatment of certain players, and their enormous profiteering. Lurie bought the Eagles for approximately $185 million, but now the Eagles have an estimated worth of nearly $1.5 BILLION. They have a license to 'print money' and have never shown, for all their talk, a real commitment to win a championship. Coach Andy Reid, a rather arrogant character, has never been a fan favorite either. Quarterback Donovan McNabb, an outstanding player, has taken his share of criticism also for the Eagles inability to win a Super Bowl.

So, what to do? Well, the Eagles made some good aquisitions in the off season, including draft choices and free agents, but their training camp ha been plagued by injured players, while the Phillies keep winning, making good moves, and stay on the 'front page' of both print and audio/visual media.

So, they sign Michael Vick, 'Public Enemy #1' for his dog fighting and slaughtering activities, and announce that they will be th ones to 'give him a second chance'. Lurie has enlisted the support of the Pennsylvania Humane Society (doubless with a large donation), and various politically correct personages, and has testified that 'Michael Vick is truly remorseful and is a changed man'. Perhaps. 18 months in Leavenworth will give a man time to reflect. Losing most of your fortune to lawyer's fees and losing all your endorsement deals will also cause some 'reflection'.

Coach Reid, whose two sons have been arrested for drug trafficking, heroin use, and threatening motorists on a highway with a gun, is all in favor of this. He says 'This is America. We make mistakes'. This is quite true.

Immediately, the Eagles become 'front page' again. The local big sports radio station, WIP (owned by CBS), has played the Vick thing to the max. They say 'it is the number one story in town' and maybe the world. The newspapers have a field day. Advertising revenue goes up, people buy more papers. And of course gambling revenue will increase, Las Vegas will make money. Please remember the NFL and Las Vegas are like 'Siamese Twins'. They are 'hand-in-glove'

The Eagles White fans have generally been outraged. This foundation of their fan base is mostly suburban and corporate, and of course to maintain political correctness, how could one support an athlete who killed 'man's best friend' in a brutal and careless manner? But of course they are all Idol worshippers and will never put their money where their mouth is by giving up their season tickets. In fact, they will be buying their children Michael Vick jerseys in a month or so. These are the same White hypocrites who turned a blind eye to our destruction of Iraq and dope control operation in Afghanistan. You can slaughter people, especially when they are 'Muslim terrorists' with impunity, but kill a dog, and you go to hell. This is the state of White America today.

The Blacks take a more realistic attitute, because their reality is often a bit more harsh. Most African-Americans I talk to figure that, well, Vick did fuck up, but he did his time, so let him have a job. A man's got to eat, right?The fact that Vick is Black, a 'target of persecution' and an exciting athlete just simplifies things.

Lurie and Banner certainly though all this out, strategically, and now they again play us like a fiddle. AmeriKans are addicted to spectacles, like the ancient Romans, and most 'civilizations' for that matter, and 'moral misgivings' will give way to the 'just win baby' attitude and the love of the spectacle. Believe me, the Eagles get a nice cut as regards to merchandising fees for all those Michael Vick jerseys that will be sold. And all the controversy: well, controversy makes money for everyone involved.

As far as Vick himself, he will say anything so that he can get paid. Simple as that. But, in fairness, he did 'do his time' so he should have the right to make a living from his skill. How well he will do depends on his attitude, conditioning and how the coaching staff uses him.

Now, on dogfighting. In the US and Mexico, dog fighting is brutal and results in the death of dogs, either during the fight, by more often by the owners and handlers, who shoot, drown or eliminate them like dead meat. These practices occur due to the increasingly pagan nature of North AmeriKan kulture. Young males who grow up doing their killing 'virtually' through video games are highly suceptible to this mindset. Also, the brutal 'sub-mentality' of ghetto kulture, where human life is cheap makes this type of 'sport' acceptable. Although most Americans are under the impression that dog fighting is strictly a 'black thang', fighting 'pups' has always been popular among the American 'redneck' class, especially in the South. Many Chicanos love it too.

In other cultures it is a little different. In Russia, dog fighting is very popular, and a great variety of dogs are used for fighting. From the videos, and websites I have seen, the practice is nowhere near as brutal there: If a dog is injured in a match, the owner withdraws the dog, and does not kill him or torture him. It could be different if 'mafia' organizations are involved, and if large numbers of dogs are bred for fighting purposes.

In Japan, dog fighting takes on an almost 'samurai' quality. There is a special Japanese dog, white furred and quite large, that is used exclusively for fighting. The dog fights take place in a space that resembles a boxing wring more than the 'pits' that are use in AmeriKa. There is a referee, and if one dog sustains even a slight injury, the match is ended, with the other dog declared the winner. It is highly regulated, and there are trophies and the like given out for the best dogs and their owners. There is no brutality at all.

So, we must keep all this in some perspective. While brutality to an innocent animal is horrible, let us not put an animal life above a human life because of some 'guilt' or hysteria. In the specific case of Vick, he should be given a second chance. In the case of Lurie/Banner and the Eagles, they are slick, and made an almost Obama style move, simultaneously generating publicity, 'giving a man a second chance' (compassion), showing 'sensitivity' by 'consulting' animal rights groups, and increasing revenues by aquiring the NFL's most 'notorious' and 'exciting' offender. Like I said, they play us like a fiddle, the sound of the violin soars...

Idol Worship

The Ten Commandments are not very popular in The USA currently. In fact, among the general poplulation they don't exist. Corruption has reached a such a degree in our culture that any kind of morality has been displaced by what can be called 'relativism', i.e. 'Whatever you can get away with'.

One of the most overlooked Commandments is Commandment Number Two:
"You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My Commandments."

This is the commandment against Idol worship. Now, taken to the extreme, some would interpret this as a condemnation against any kind of photograph or image.  And for those who believe the only commandment is 'Do As Thou Wilt', this commandment/warning will have no meaning.

But the Commandment is not given to violate a sense of logic or reason. Photographs, films, even 'imagery' such as X-rays or MRIs can not only provide enjoyment, but be helpful in helping to overcome certain disabilities or injuries. But this is not the meaning. The caution is against the worship of inanimate objects, or representations of human beings or, indeed the worship of anything that is the creation of human magination, elevating these things above the living God. It is a caution against the worship of what is dead.

We know that even as Moses was descending from Mt.Sinai, the Israelites had already built an idol they were bowing down to, and were engaging in an orgy of revelry in worship of this 'god'. Moses was so disgusted by this behavior, he smashed the tablets in frustration and anger, being confronted with this human desire to worship that which is dead. Whether one views the Biblical story as an allegory or as an historical fact, the truth of the event remains. Humans fall prey to their own vain imaginations, and seek to elevate their fancies to the highest level.

Today, in the 21st Century, nothing has fundamentally changed with the great masses. The Idol Worship has merely morphed into a more intricate pattern, fueled by the world wide reach of technologies. We, of course have heard the terms 'matinee idols' or 'movie idols/stars' for many years, with the advent of film,
Hollywood, television and advertising. The thread of moden and popular musics has brought us 'rock satrs' and 'pop idols'. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with a love or appreciation of film, music, theatre, painting or any kind of art form, as these forms are a natural outgrowth of man's creativw spirit. As God created us in His likeness, so man has the ability to create artifacts and objects of beauty.
The problem comes when we begin to worship the creation, and fail to recognize that all is the gift of the ultimate Creator, working through us.

The advent of modern technologies, however, has led man into the abyss of his own worse tendencies. Mechanism such as the Internet, video and especially the visually oriented mediums contain a certain amount of what can be considered 'magic'. We fall under the sorcerer's spell, and we begin to worship a mechanism.
God is a Person, not  a mechanism; any worship of mechanisms is a worship of the dead.

We now have the specter of 'virtual reality' i.e a worship of images that look real and can be manipulated, as a substitute for 'actual life'. Again, this is a sorcere's spell and the worship of what is dead. The result os such immersion in 'virtual reality' is a deadining of the human spirit. We have soldiers using 'virtual technology' to carry out mass murder, murder that is detached and imperson, just a 'video game'. We have children watching and playing video games that allow the manipulation of 'human looking' figures instead of learning socialization skills by real human contacts. We have parents who find it 'easier' to occupy their children's time with these technological tools, instead of spending actual time teaching their children. This is a further result of Idol Worship, in the form of the worship of money and 'things', consumerism, which again is a worship of something that is dead.

The 'worshipping' of human beings because of their looks, power or charisma is as old as the human race itself, but with the spread of the new technologies, this form of spell casting is multiplied exponentially and becomes a force of mind control. The recent Michael Jackson death and the events after it, with many glorifying him as a 'god' is a good example. Some might object to this term, but the evidence is certainly all around us. There is an 'American Idol' television show.

We watch the omnipresent cell phone user, who is so wrapped up in this tiny toy that makes sounds and noises that they detach themselves from any kind of 'actual reality'. Have you ever almost been hit by a car whose driver was yapping on the cell phone to the point where they forgot where they were? Even worse, the cell phone can now produce images, often time so small that the user can be seen straining their eyes just to see these tiny pictures that appear like magic. While these phones and the Internet itself can be used as wonderful tools for communication, they are also 'hypnotizers'.

In conclusion, we see that this Second Commandment, one that is often overlooked, is actually a serious warning against something that is very real. Whether we worship gods made of gold, paper or silicon and electronics, we worship something that is dead. And, if we believe that God created us in His own image, we can understand His jealousy. Do we not get jealous when we are rejected for 'the latest thing' in some cases a person, or when we are pushed to the side for motives of material gain?. Yes we do. He does also. But His anger is quite beyond the scope of our understanding, and when we provoke Him, we are entering a very dangerous 'no man's land'. Whether it be the worship of money or the fascination with the 'spider's web' like powers of 'virtual reality', we are playing with forces that pose spiritual dangers. Better for us to turn back to the One who gives Life, than to glorify what is dead. Wisdom is found in finding a balance. Peace to you all.

An inquiring boy was talking with God one day...

'God,I have some questions I need to ask you.'

And God answers him: 'Son, what is it you need of Me?...and don't call me God, just call me Father.'

'Oh, OK...Father, I have heard that you are Eternal...but I don't understand what that means...'

'Well, son, think of it this way: For Me, a million years of your time is like just one second.'

'Wow, just one second...'

'Yes, time is different for me...But the thing about time is this: You can't always be in a hurry: You must lear to be patient, because all things come in their time...Do you understand what I mean?'

'I think so...(pauses)...Father, is there money in heaven?'

God smiles...'Son, think of it this way: A million of your dollars is just like a penny to me...My money is Love, Wisdom and the power that comes from these things...Do you understand what I say?'

The young boy is awestruck...'Yes, Father, I think I do...Wow...Father can I ask you for something?'

'Yes, anytime.'

'Do you think I could have just a penny of your money?'

'Yes son, you certainly can...But you may have to wait just a second...'


Leslie Schaff CNN April 23 2009

President Frank Dialogue: The First 100 Days


Perhaps one of the most controversial events of President Dialogue's first 100 days in office started unfolding on February 1 2009. As he had announced on Innauguration Day, the President shut down all road traffic between Mexico and the United States for a period of a week. The result was chaotic at first, but within a day or two, citizens on both sides of the border accepted the fact that there would be a 'transit vacation' as the President called it for a week. Exceptions were made for citizens in cities like San Ysidro CA or Tijuana MX who had legitimate small or medium businesses on the other side of the border. Exceptions for medical emergencies were also made. A small amount of traffic was allowed for shipments of perishable goods, primarily foodstuffs, that had been ordered beforehand, and were due for delivery. The first two days were indeed hectic for US Border and Customs Agents stationed at the more heavily trafficked border checkpoints. Tempers flared as many travellers, who had 2 weeks notice of the transit halt, still attempted to cross. US Border Agents were in any case backed up by small, but 'equipped' units of State National Guards from California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.
There were no major flareups of violence at any of the major 'gateways' such as El Paso or Laredo TX or the Tijuana/California crossing. California Governor Schwartzenneger at first called the president's plan 'insanity' and 'a recipe for disaster', but agreed to cooperate after a personal phone call from the President. Their were strenous objections and outcries from companies like Wal-Mart, and other chains which depend on a supply of imported goods that come through Mexican ports and trucking. But the President brushed these aside with the comment 'The world doesn't start or end with Wal-Mart, or K-Mart or any kind of mart'. The White House also gave the order for the 'removal' of any illegals attempting to come into the United States through 'backdoor overland routes'. US Border Guards reported the arrest and removal of nearly 5000
Mexicans attempting to enter the US during this two week period. Assisted by National Guard units, illegals were escorted back to the major entrance points and sent back with warnings not to return. President Dialogue spoke to Mexican president Felipe Calderon and emphasized the 'seriousness' of the problem and his intentions to enforce immigration policy as strictly as possible. The Mexican president criticized President Dialogue's tactics as 'heavy handed' and 'counter-productive to 'good Mexican-American relations'. President Dialogue stated bluntly that he was aware of the seriousness of the issue, but chided Calderon saying that 'America will not become a dumping ground for Mexican problems' and that Mexico must 'seriously address it's own issues of corruption, povert and discrimination if this problem is to be resolved'. He also stated that National Guard units were available to help contain narcotics trafficking if the 'Mexicans had problems dealing with this issue themselves'. During this period there was an intense outcry from such Latino groups as 'La Raza' and others, but much popular sentiment backing a President taking concrete steps to halt the flow of illegal traffic, both in humans and material.
Perhaps more startling was the President's announcement that starting June 1, there would b a 'freeze' on all new immigration applications for a period of 18 months. Pesident Dialogue stated that 'Immigration is a major problem because the American economy is broken right now, and we must turn our attentions to the employment of Americans, along with the rebuilding of the American economy. We do not need foreign workers, we need jobs for American workers'. The White House also announced a halt to the policy of granting visas, such as the H-!B, to foreign immigrants for a period of 18 months. He announced that he would be scheduling a 'summit' od corporate leaders in the summer to address this issue, and to get 'their input and, hopefully, co-operation on the matter of putting Americans back to work'. President Dialogue announced that immigration applications 'already in the pipeline' would be processed, and that their would be 'very limited emergency exceptions made' on new immigration. 'The Department of Immigration has too much work on it's hands already, and I feel that a freeze on new apps will make it a bit easier for them to sort out what we have already. Immigration is a good source of new blood and energy, in the right proportion, but our current immigration situation is quite out of balance'.

Foreign Affairs/EU/Russia/China

President Dialogue announced in February that he 'would not be doing any globe trotting' in the near future, but invited the leaders of the European nations to Washington DC, where he would meet with them or their representatives. 'I intent for our State Department to be quite active during my administration, and I hope that our foreign partners would stay in contact with our representatives there, as any kind of big summits are out of the question for me right now'. New Secretary of State Yousef Halawi, a little known Arab-American working in the Stae Department, said that 'US diplomats would be working overtime to deal with the many crises and trouble spots in the world in a reasoned and thoughtful manner, and we hope to gain renewed trust and confidence from those who have become alienated because of US policies under previous administrations, and to gain an understanding from our traditional allies concrning new directions we are about to journey in.' The White House announced that President Dialogue had placed personal phone calls to all Heads of State of the EU, and asked for their 'help and co-operation' in the maintenance of cordial relations and the 'solving of problems'. President Dialogue has reportedly spoken on a number of occasions with Russian President and PM  Medvedev and Putin, and the announcements was made by both sides that 'a new era of relations' was in the making for the US and Russia. President Dialogue renounced what he called 'interference in the traditional Russian sphere of influence' and said that he would personally oppose any NATO expansion into areas of the Caucasus or the Ukraine.
He also announced 'an unconditional cancellation of planned US 'missile shields' in Poland and Czechoslovakia. President Dialogue has also spoken with Chinese President Hu Jintao, and asked for China's help in 'resolving all problems of substance concerning American and China, whether financial or political'' and 'promoting a strong and fruitful relationship in the cultural sphere'.

Iraq, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan

President Dialogue plans for an 'expeditious' withdrawl from Iraq on Innauguration Day. Some troops have already come back, and his new Commander there, General Walter Egam has been givn the charge to 'get our men and women out of har,'s way as quickly as possible' Of the estimated 130000 troops in Iraq curently, the White House announced that a minimum of 100000 would be withdrawn by January 2010. 'What we do not want to see is a 'balkanization' of the Iraqi state', the President stated. 'However, due to misguided policies, we ourselves have given momentum to such a thing. We are hoping that the Iraqi Government, along with all religious and ethnic groups, such as the Kurds, Arabs, Turkomens, the Sunnis and the Shi'a, will work toward a normaliztion of the Iraqi society. We will aid them in any way possible, hopefully peacefully. But, we do not intend to keep any kind of permanent troop presence in Iraq, and our priority is withdrawl'.
On Iran, President Dialogue has stated categorically that'There will be no American military action in Iran. This is a great and ancient civilization, and the US is interested in seeing it make progress, not in attacking it'. He also affirmed Iran's right to persue the peaceful use of nuclear power. 'The US has had a troubled relationship with Iran, but we hope to make progress toward a reestablishment of diplomatic relations. Iran plays a very important stabilizing role in the region, and it must be respected for this'.
Israel is a whole other can of worms. Back in September, then Congressman Dialogue addressed a meeting of AIPAC in Washington DC and shocked the organization with his bluntness: 'The US supported the creation of the State of Israel, and has given it enormous aid, both financial and military over the past 50 some years. However, many Americans, and I, myself, feel that the current relationsip between America and Israel is dangerously out of balance. One of the reasons for the disatrous US involvement in Iraq was because of our support of Israeli goals and strategies. The result has been a fiasco for America, both politically and financially. This must and will change. If Israel, because of it's policies, remains a consistent flash point for war in the Middle East, the world will never have any stability. So I say to Israel, 'It is time you make serious peace with your neighbors. And the time is now, not some 5 or 10 years down the road, as this will be too late. It is time for Israel to allow the Palestinians to live as decent human beings, and to earn a living. This is the first step. Without this, there is only darkness ahead.' The outcry was very fierce from the Jewish leadership both in the US and in Israel. Particularly the press. The Jerusalem Post featured numerous op-ed pieces calling President Dialogue's views as 'the beginning of the end for the Jewish State' and some even called him a 'new Saddam Hussein'. Congressman Dialogue was restrained in his response, calling such statements 'counter-productive' and 'out of tune with the changing times'. But, his 'America First' theme did touch a chord with some Jewish voters, and he managed to receive about 15% of the Jewish vote. The first 'Israeli crisis' of his Presidency occured after the Israeli action in Gaza during January. President Dialogue called the Israeli military action 'completely un-called for and brutal'. He then announced a suspension of military aid to Israel until the Israelis were willing to make what he called 'real attempts at peace, and not attempts at ethnic cleansing'. There were reports that the President put US militray forces in the Middle East on high alert during this period, specifically focusing on any Israeli military action outside of Israel's borders. The current situation remains in a kind of limbo, awaiting the results of Israli elections this spring. But it is clear that the new president has jettisoned any 'neo-con' policies concerning activity in the area.

To be continued...


President Frank Dialogue: The First 100 Days

Leslie Schaff CNN April 23 2009

President Frank Dialogue, 'America First' Party President, has now been in office for 100 days, a rather tumultuous and often confusing 100 days. America's first 3rd Party President in almost 200 years has, as they say, 'upset the apple cart'. In fact, many apple carts. His bold initiatives to tackle America's foreign and domestic problems have met with strenuous opposition on the part of the banking and financial sectors, both here and globally, and his issuing of subpoenas for former members of the Bush Administration have had a chiiling effect on some members of Congress and former Capitol Hill lobbyists and functionaries who the President declared 'thought Washington DC was their person fiefdom'. His declaration of 'martial law' under the John Warner act on his innauguration certainly shocked the nation, but the results of this have, in general, not affected the great majority of US citizens. In brief, here is a capsule summary of President Frank Dialogue's 'first 100 days' in office:

Nationalization of Major Banks & the Federal Reserve Bank

All major 'money market' banks were seized by the Federal Government. In the case of JPMorgan/Chase, Citi Bank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, National Guard units, from the various states were bank HQs are located, were stationed outside in a 'symbolic' show of force. Teams from the US Treasury and the SEC moved in to audit records and assess all assets and debts. US Treasury Secretary Katherine Wallace states that the audits would 'probably take at least a year to complete'. In the meantime, she announces that bank business would 'continue normally' with the caveat that US money laundering regulations, requiring any transfer of funds greater than $10000 be documnted, would be enforced 'as strictly as humanly possible'. Special IT/Computer teams working for the Federal Government are dispatched to monitor 'electronic funds transfers', particularly those that involve transfer of funds to 'offshore' or foreign accounts. President Dialogue speaks with leaders of Russia, China, Japan and the EU, asking for their 'patience and co-operation' in the process, stating that 'It is essential for both America and the global economy that any anomalies or 'irregularities' involving transfer of monies or securities be dealt with 'with dispatch'. President Dialogue also warns against any 'electronic runs on US banking institutions' and says that attacks on American currency during this 'transition period' may be considered an 'act of war on the USA'. President Dialogue also has FED Chairman Ben Bernanke dismissed, replaced by 'temporary overseer' Walter Schmidt, former Treasury official. Bernanke is subpoened and called in for questioning and ordered to co-operate with the FED audit. President Dialogue announce that the US Treasury will 'in a period of 'not more than 18 months' begin printing US Treasury notes that will replace current FED notes.

Bank Bailout

President Dialogue announces that the 'TARP fund'reated during the later days of the Bush Administration is 'null and void'. 'Any banks that have engaged in fraudulent or extremely speculative issuance of counterfeit 'debt instruments' such as derivatives, credit swaps and other speculative paper will have to 'eat them', so to speak. The American people are not to be burdened with the cesspool of debt created by speculators who treat the wealth of the American people as if it were chips in a Las Vegas casino. I can offer no immediate releif to those who have put money into, or allow speculators to put their monies into such
'instruments'.  All savings accounts and other accounts will be insured by the American Government up to the FDIC limits. Some millionaires and billionaires will not fare so well, at least in the short term. My concern is not for them, but for the American middle class that they have attempted to destroy.'

Mortgage Amnesty/Relief

HUD Secretary Joseph Kosinski has been implementing President Dialogue's Inaugural Day pledge of mortgage relief for homeowners by implementing a national 'Mortgage Forgiveness' plan, with all primary dwellings with mortgages of up to $300000 having the mortgages 'written off'. President Dialogue: 'In the light of the sweeping changes we are making in the banking system, and in the light of the crushing debt that has been placed on the American taxpayer by misuse and theft of taxpayer monies, I aim to see that as many Americans as possible gain complete and debt free title to their homes or primary dwelling. Private property is a basic American right, and while we work out our financial problems and create a new, positive system for the American economy, I will see that no one loses their home. It will take intensive work and capital to rebuild the American economy, and rebuild we will. In the meantime, I will help remove some of the crushing debt burden on our people by eliminating their monthly mortgage payment. Now, with this relief goes responsibility. There are still municipalities to run, and I cannot get rid of, or change local community policies in regard to property taxes and the like. But, until we have made some headway in our reforms, and until we can develop a more efficient and productive way to manage our economy, at least the American people will have TANGIBLE relief in the form of not being burdened with outrageous mortgage payments. The maintenance of your home, and the maintaining of appropriate community standards as far as safety, structural matters and appearances are up to you.'

To be continued:   Foreign Policy Matters & Immigration in Part 2


French Gypsy Jazz Guitarist Django Reinhardt...And he only had TWO usable fingers on his fretting hand!

Charlie Christian: First Major Electric Jazz Guitar Soloist...Died in his early 20s

Les Paul: Inventor, 'Pioneer of Over-Dubbing', Great Jazz/Pop Soloist: 'Mr.Guitar'

Wes Montgomery: The 'Godfather' of Modern Jazz Guitar

Jim Hall: Pioneer of Jazz Guitar 'Minimalism' & 'Impressionism'

B B King: 'Memphis Blues Boy' and 'Godfather' of Modern Electric Blues Guitar

Mike Bloomfield: First of the great White Blues/Rockers...Also merged 'East-West'...

Dick Dale: The 'King of Surf Guitar'...Played the original Stratocaster designed by Leo Fender...Influeced Hendrix...Doesn't Consider Himself to be a 'musician'

Pat Martino: Genius, 'mathematical guitar genius' with funk/swing coming 'out his ass'... Applies 'Sacred Geometry'  to his playing of lines and chords...My first teacher.

Jimi Hendrix: Genius, Self Taught...A 'lefty'...Changed the 'World of Electric Guitar' for all time.

John McLaughlin: 'Mahavishnu'... Pioneer of Jazz Fusion and World Fusion...Incredible Then/Incredible Now

These are just some very brief thumbnails, pictures and videos from the men who in my opinion are some of the most influential and individual guitarists of the last 100 years...Some of the YouTubes are not of great quality, but, for the guitar lover and others, it will give a brief glimpse of the skills of these extraordinary musicians...More to come.....


Senator Arlen Specter: Republican, Democrat, B'nai Brith, ADL

Before I post the article about Senator Arlen Specter's latest manouver, I want you to understand something about this man...He is 'our' Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and I have watched this weasel move for many years...Specter was the supposed originator of the 'single bullet' theory for the Warren Commission, investigating the JFK assassination...He is an errand boy for the Crypts/Zionists/CIA, whatever you want to call the international crime family...Please read this report of his intimidation of witnesses in Dallas shortly after the JFK murder...This Specter is a liar and a piece of work....Here is the testimony from a withess he intimidated in the wake of the JFK assassination, Mrs. Jean Hill:

Quote from Jean Hill:

"The FBI took me to Parkland Hospital.  I had no idea what I was doing there.  They escorted me through a labyrinth of corridors and up to one of the top floors of Parkland.  I didn't know where we were.  They took me into this little room where I met Arlen Specter.  He talked to me for a few minutes, trying to act real friendly, then this woman, a stenographer, came in and sat behind me.  He had told me that this interview would be confidential, then I looked around and this woman was taking notes.  I reminded him that the discussion was to be private and he told the woman to put down her notebook, which she did.  But when I looked around again she was writing.  I got mad and told Specter, 'You lied to me.  I want this over.'  He asked me why I wouldn't come to Washington, and I said, 'Because I want to stay alive.'  He asked why I would think that I was in danger and I replied, 'Well, if they can kill the President, they can certainly get me!'  He replied that they already had the man that did it and I told him, 'No, you don't!' 

He kept trying to get me to change my story, particularly regarding the number of shots.  He said I had been told how many shots there were and I figured he was talking about what the Secret Service told me right after the assassination.  His inflection and attitude was that I knew what I was supposed to be saying, why wouldn't I just say it.  I asked him, 'Look, do you want the truth or just what you want me to say?'  He said he wanted the truth, so I said, 'The truth is that I heard between four and six shots.'  I told him, 'I'm not going to lie for you.'  So he starts talking off the record.  He told me about my life, my family, and even mentioned that my marriage was in trouble.  I said, 'What's the point of interviewing me if you already know everything about me?'  He got angrier and finally told me, 'Look, we can even make you look as crazy as Marguerite Oswald [Lee Oswald's mother] and everybody knows how crazy she is.  We could have you put in a mental institution if you don't cooperate with us.'  I knew he was trying to intimidate me....

He finally gave me his word that the interview would not be published unless I approved what was written.  But they never gave me the chance to read it or approve it.  When I finally read my testimony as published by the Warren Commission, I knew it was a fabrication from the first line.  After that ordeal at Parkland Hospital, they wrote that my deposition was taken at the U.S. attorney's office in the Post Office Building."

Specter shift puts Dems near filibuster-proof mark
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent David Espo, Ap Special Correspondent – Tue Apr 28, 7:24 pm ET

WASHINGTON – Veteran Republican Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched parties Tuesday with a suddenness that seemed to stun the Senate, a moderate's defection that pushed Democrats to within a vote of the 60 needed to overcome filibusters and enact President Barack Obama's top legislative priorities.

Specter, 79 and seeking a sixth term in 2010, conceded bluntly that his chances of winning a Pennsylvania Republican primary next year were bleak in a party grown increasingly conservative. But he cast his decision as one of principle, rather than fueled by political ambition as spurned GOP leaders alleged.

"I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party," he said at a news conference. He added, "I am not prepared to have my 29 year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate."

Not long after Specter met privately with Republican senators to explain his decision, the party's leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell, said the switch posed a "threat to the country." The issue, he said, "really relates to ... whether or not in the United States of America our people want the majority party to have whatever it wants, without restraint, without a check or balance."

As a result of last fall's elections, Democrats control the White House and have a large majority in the House. Specter's switch leaves them with 59 Senate seats. Democrat Al Franken is ahead in a marathon recount in Minnesota. If he ultimately defeats Republican Norm Coleman, he would become the party's 60th vote — the number needed to overcome a filibuster that might otherwise block legislation.

Specter, who has a lifelong record of independence, told reporters, "I will not be an automatic 60th vote." As evidence, he pointed out he opposes "card check" legislation to make it easier for workers to form unions, a bill that is organized labor's top priority this year.

His move comes as Democrats are looking ahead to battles on health care, energy and education.

Specter was one of only three Republicans in Congress who voted for Obama's economic stimulus bill earlier this year, a measure the senator said was needed to head off the threat of another Great Depression.

Specter called the White House on Tuesday to notify Obama of his decision to switch. The president called back moments later, according to spokesman Robert Gibbs, to say the Democratic Party was "thrilled to have you."

Several officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said discussions of a possible switch had reached into the White House in recent days, although Gibbs said he had no details.

Gibbs said Obama would raise money for Specter as well as campaign personally for him if asked.

Specter told reporters at his news conference that Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, had suggested a meeting in Washington for this week at which the party's leadership could formally "endorse my candidacy."

In Pennsylvania, State Rep. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, swiftly announced he was no longer interested in running for the Senate next year. The only announced Democratic candidate has been ` Torsella, chairman of the State Board of Education.

Among Republicans, former Rep. Pat Toomey is expected to run. He had been poised to challenge Specter, who defeated him narrowly in a 2004 primary.

"I welcome Senator Specter and his moderate voice to our diverse caucus," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in a statement that was a jab at the Republicans.

Other Democrats spread the word on Twitter in a way that reflected surprise. "Specter to switch parties? Wow," said a message sent by Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri.

At his news conference, Specter grew animated as he blamed conservatives for helping deliver control of the Senate to Democrats in 2006, making it impossible to confirm numerous judicial appointees of former president George W. Bush.

"They don't make any bones about their willingness to lose the general election if they can purify the party. I don't understand it, but that's what they said," he added.

Ironically, Specter had spoken recently about the importance of a strong Republican presence in the Senate.

"If we lose my seat they have 60 Democrats, they will pass card check, you will have the Obama tax increases, they will carry out his big spending plans. So the 41st Republican, whose name is Arlen Specter, is vital to stopping tax increases, passage of card check and the Obama big spending plans."

Pennsylvania has voted increasingly Democratic in recent elections, and Obama's candidacy in 2008 prompted thousands of voters to switch their registration to his party. Specter said their migration had left the GOP primary electorate "very far to the right."

After nearly six full terms in the Senate, Specter is one of a handful of moderate Republicans left, a politician of remarkable resilience who has maneuvered successfully to protect his seat at home and his seniority rights in Congress.

In line to become chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2004, he was forced to reassure conservatives he would not attempt to thwart them on Bush's conservative judicial nominees. As a senior lawmaker on the Senate Appropriations Committee, he is responsible for a steady stream of federal projects in his state.

In recent years, he has battled Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymphatic system, but maintains a busy schedule that includes daily games of squash.

Specter was the sixth senator to switch parties in the past 15 years, and the first to leave the Republicans since former Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont became an independent in 2001. Jeffords' defection gave Democrats control of the Senate. Reid, then the second-ranking Democrat, played a role in that change, as well, offering to give up a committee chairmanship so Jeffords could retain it.

As one of the most senior Republicans in the Senate, Specter held powerful positions on the Judiciary and Appropriations committees. It was not clear how Democrats would calculate his seniority in assigning committee perches.

As recently as late winter, he was asked by a reporter why he had not taken Democrats up on past offers to switch parties.

"Because I am a Republican," he said at the time.

Tuesday's switch was not Specter's first.

He was a Democrat until 1965, when he ran successfully on the Republican ticket for district attorney in Philadelphia.


Associated Press Writers Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Laurie Kellman, Liz Sidoti, Andrew Taylor and Erica Werner contributed to this story from Washington. Peter Jackson contributed from Harrisburg, Pa.

Link to Specter and JFK Coverup


                                    The Allegory of the Termite

Our biggest problem in the USA is an invasion of insects, termites if you will...These 'termites' appear, at the bottom, in the form of illegal and legal immigrants who have overun our nation, taken our jobs and lowered the value of labour...They have been fascilitated by American citizens who think they are 'getting a bargain' by giving jobs to these people...What they actually do is to allow their own house to be destroyed and infested...We have become a lazy nation...Any responsible home owner will be vigilant to maintain his house, to protect it against damage and vandalism, because it is an investment, and one that can be passed down to the children...We have become fat on 'Big Macs' and Wal Mart, distracted by dumb entertainment, and other nonsense...At the top, we have a more voracious breed of 'termite', again alien in nature, who steal, speculate and destroy our industries, our savings, our pensions and our currency...What is the solution?...Possibly, a good 'pest man' or a team, to attack the insects and remove them from our house...I hope it is not too late.

Termite Nest

Do you have termite damage? Need to know how to fix it?

Termites can cause damage to a house pretty quickly once the termite colony gets going.

Termite Control
If you can catch the termite infestation fast enough, you may not need to worry about fixing any damage, however in most cases when you have visual proof of termite damage, it may be too late.

Termites can cause damage to the studs in your home's walls to the trusses in your roof. They can destroy trees in your backyard, which may not seem to be a bad thing, but if they rotten tree falls on your house or across your backyard fence, you may think otherwise.

If you live near trees or a patch of woods, you need to be extra careful and have a professional termite inspector come out to your home every couple of years to make sure you don't have a termite colony forming near your home.

Here is a picture of just how dangerous termites can be. This is the inside of a tree that was destroyed by termites. It has been completely hollowed out by those hungry monsters:

The problem occurs when you have termites and you can't see the damage they have caused. Such as when the termites start eating the wall studs in your home. In this case, you may not even know you have damage, but at the same time, your walls may collapse at any given time!


As I post articles and info on a number of 'Web Forums', I have noticed a trend toward a certain 'psychopathology' among a great number of forum posters...Now, I am usually fairly blunt in my opinions on various topics, but I try to keep my posts relevant to current issues, have them make historical sense, be verifiable as far as possible, and also maintain a sense of humor and compassion...Unfortunately, a great number of people do not share these same tendencies...They have a lot of 'personal axes' to grind, and sometimes the psychology goes into 'another realm'...Perhaps it has to do with the rising unemployment, and the difficulty we have in making sense of events in 'the world'...So, instead of going 'halfway', why not bring it all out in the open...My ideas for a new 'reality' hate forum:

AF (Agitation Forum) / FYF (Fuck Yourself Forum)

The basic concept of the Forum would be relatively simple...All postings would have to be of a negative and threatening nature...Rhetorical violence would be encouraged, and threats of a physical nature, along with slurs against other posters and anyone would be encouraged...Persons of all nationalities and tribes would be encouraged to post, and would have their own 'niches'...Some suggested 'sub forums':

General Hate

Ethnic Warfare/Cleansing

Back to Africa
Encouraging all 'African Americans' to return to the 'motherland'.

Juden Rouse!
All Jew Haters post here...

Raghead Central
Muslims & Arabs...We made the 'A Bomb' for a reason.

Wetback Patrol
War against illegal Mexicans and ideas for driving them out...

LaRaza/The Race

Expelling the white man from from Aztlan: By 'whatever means neccesary'

All My Niggaz
All 'bout taking out the honky, and dealing with 'snitchin' niggaz'

Sociopaths Enclave


Keep tabs on anyone on the Forum and let them know you are watching 'every move they make'

Domestic Violence Corner

Plot violence against wives, girlfriends and women in general, virtual and real.

Peadophile's Playground

Encouraging sexual relations with children/Sponsored by NAMBLA

The Thinking Sociopath

For high IQ sociopaths, a sub-forum to conceptualize and communicate new ideas for the destruction of the community...'Do What Thou Wilt'

Anarchist/Terrorist Cookbook
Devoted to making weapons of all kinds, and planning ways to cause mass chaos.

Dope Den

A place for dealers, users and addicts to exchange info on drug prices, availability and quality, and new products on the net.

Dawg Style

Yo!...Dog Fighters, we got the 'YouTube', and other tubes, too...Post your best videos: Let's see yo'  pup at work.